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Solo Exhibitions:


- "Audience of Death" Saless Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2019)

- "Instantaneous Center" Raj Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2017)

- "Lexicon: Encounter" Mostaqel Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2016)

- "Mistakes and Accidents" Khorshid,Asman,Darya Gallery, Babolsar, Iran (2015)


Selected Group Exhibitions:


- "Cancer of a Bunch of Independent Minds" Mostaqel Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2017)

- "Artshop Tehran Group Exhibition" Cafe Emrooz, Tehran, Iran (2017)

- "Teer Art Week 2019" Tehran, Iran (2018)

- "1 Million" Saless Gallery ,Tehran, Iran (2018)

- "Afrad" Hamras Art Space Tehran, Iran (2018)

- "1+1 Million" Saless Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2019)

- "Homo Sapiens" Select Art Gallery ,Tehran, Iran (2019)

- "Cause of a Baby Crying" Motorkhooneh Art Gallery, Shiraz, Iran (2019)

- "1+1 Million" Saless Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2020)

-"Trio"Sharif Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2020)

- WopArt Art Fair, (Saye Art Gallery | Iris Contemporary Space Panel) Lugano, Switzerland (2021)

-"1+1+1+1 Million" Saless Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2022)

- "# Für …/ #for...", Kunstwerden Gallery, Essen, Germany (2023)

- "Voices from Afar", Essen City Hall, Essen, Germany (2023)

- "Fast Forward 3", Freya/Espinas Art Gallery in colab with Iranshahr Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2023)

- "Galloping at Night / تاختن در شب ", Adapa Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2023)

- "1+1+1+1+1 Million" Saless Gallery, Tehran, Iran (2024)

- "Rahro Project" Artshop Tehran, Iran (2024)

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